
Hooman Khoshnood is an Iranian-American painter who works primarily with oil on canvas. His work is emotional, colorful and energetic.  It demands your attention.

Mr. Khoshnood’s education in art and art history can be best described as following an “old school” path of apprenticeship, mentorship and critique. At the age of 10, through his insistence, young Mr. Khoshnood was permitted to visit the atelier of a well-regarded Italian artist in his sixties in Genova, Italy. That single visit turned into regular visits after school, and Mr. Giancarlo Bargoni’s began to relay his knowledge to the young artist.  During those visits, the Italian master discussed and taught history, theory, and painting technique, and critiqued young Mr. Khoshnood’s paintings. But more importantly, the Italian Master exemplified to Mr. Khoshnood the lust and joy for painting.  

Mr. Khoshnood has painted ever since. Regardless of his other roles as a father, a lawyer, a business owner, an employer, and a world traveler, Mr. Khoshnood has maintained studio practice. His relationship with Mr. Bargoni is ongoing and Mr. Khoshnood visits his mentor annually in France or Italy. 

In June of 2016, Mr. Khoshnood began attending Pat Lipsky’s Abstract Painting class at the Art Students League of New York. Ms. Lipsky’s stern yet caring and wildly intuitive mentorship and critique of Mr. Khoshnood’s work introduced and taught him a uniquely American sense of aesthetics in abstract art echoing in many ways the aesthetic sensibility of Clement Greenberg.

Personal stories relating to Clement Greenberg, Wilem de Kooning, and Robert Motherwell are not uncommon in her class. Being mentored by two different well-recognized artists one with a distinctly European style of abstract painting and the other with an American abstract style of painting have given Mr. Khoshnood a very diverse and unique training that has resulted in an original style of painting.

Since Mr. Khoshnood’s enrollment at the Art Students League of New York less than nine months ago, one of his paintings was selected to be published in the upcoming Art Students’ League of New York’s brochure as exemplary student work.